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    Exhibit Growth in Shanghai

    Date:2009-09-16    【Font:Large Middle Small

    Exhibit Growth in Shanghai
    Dear Sir or Madam.
        Good day!
        We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth in China International Wire & Cable Industry Exhibition 2009, a grand wire & cable event in the world which will be held in Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center from September 22nd to September 24th 2009.
        We are one of the professional wire & cable machine manufacturers in China, making wide range of cable machinery such as power cable machinery, telecommunication cable equipment, CAT data cable equipment and ultra-violet radiation XLPE line, etc. Our products have been sold to many countries these two years, such as Germany, Korea, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and so on. 
        It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition so that we can introduce our classic products to you and we are so expecting to establish a long term and good business relationship with your company in the near future!
    Best regards,
    Yours sincerely,
    Jiangsu Hongke Cable Machinery Co.,LTD.
    Exhibitor: Jiangsu Hongke Cable Machinery Co.,LTD.
    Booth No. :  F20
    Contact: Connie Zhang, Mobile: 15312052166
    Grace Lu, Mobile: 15312052966
    Date: September 22nd- 24th
    Venue: Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center
    :( No. 88 Caobao Road, Shanghai, China)
    Website: http://www.wireshow.com

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