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    Advanced technology, win-win policy

    Date:2009-09-16    【Font:Large Middle Small

        Nice September, nice the crown of the year, and our company gained a decisive victory in this nice season days.
        We had a communication with one Korea group since last Wire&cable fair in shanghai, and till the beginning of 2009, they order one 3200 Drum twister with caterpillar machine. We take ‘sincerity as basis, quality first’ as our leading guideline. Our technologist keep improving, and all our staffs proceed the producing assignment at high efficiency, and finally, delivery the machine before the time. When our customer saw the machine, they sent one thank letter which give us a highly praise for the nice machine and safe&good packing.  
        And then, our technical and electric engineers began a urgent commissioning work, they could make a prompt decision when facing improved problems. Our engineers could select the right components and tackle tough compatibility and efficiency issues. Our engineers could give them some eye-opening ideas. And our engineers also bring some useful improve& modifications from korea which is good ideal to us. So this is one kindly technical communication at the top science and technology around the world.
        When our boss, Ms chen hong visit Korea for the last inspection of the machine, Korea customer said that: This is one successful cooperation with Jiangsu hongke, technical and electric engineers were composed to some problems, whatever who is responsible for. The capability of this machine now is 2 to 3 times compared with the previous machines. And our boss, Ms chen hong said: Many thanks for the help and support of the korea customer, both good communication and stead belief brings to success today.
        The head office of this korea corp. located in France, which has more than 80 branch around the world. Special of HQ will visit our company. Korea corp. and jiangsu hongke , both hope a long cooperation in the future.
        Wire&cable is improving continuously, Jiangsu hongke wire&cable machine co., ltd hope have a business with you for communication of advanced and high efficiency machines which meeting with your all requirement. You can trust our experts to lend a hand.

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