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    Our Success In 2007 CWC Show

    Date:2007-10-05    【Font:Large Middle Small

        2007 international wire and cable show of China  was celebrated in Shanghai Everybright Conference and Exhibition Centre during Sep.5 to Sep.7.The area of exhibition achieved 8000 square meters,increased than last year by 25% .More than 200 companies took part in this show.
        In a new feature ,our company received customers in and abroad and friends in the field of wire and cable warmly  ,and gained plentiful harvest.To bring out our new product of UV light XLPE equipment better,our company showed the sample machine.Many customers were very interested in it. Customers  in and abroad came to inquire and talk in an endless stream.  Doctor Baorong who came from America and professor Qu of USTC answered questions of customers in and abroad on the spot.This project was agreed by everybody.It is the hot point of projects which were talked  in this conference.
        Rewarding to the care of friends in the field of wire and cable,  Our company will strengthen the base , be brave in innovation and contribute to the development of  wire and cable.

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