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    Wire china 2008 is in shanghai, hongke has gotten well prepared

    Date:2008-09-10    【Font:Large Middle Small

    Hongke cable machinery Co.,LTD will attend in “THE 3RD ALL CHINA-INTERNATIONAL WIRE&CABLE INDUSTRY TRADE FAIR” during sep.23th-26th in 2008 in shanghai new international exhibition center in china. Total area of this exhibition is 40,000 square meters. More than 930 famous enterprises coming from 31 countries and areas will take part in this fair.
    As being the professional cable machinery enterprise, Hongke has succeeded in last two fair relying on excellent quality and good credit standing. We will strengthen the base, be brave in innovation and contribute to the development of wire and cable industry.
    Our fair number: W2 hall C61
    Fair Time: Sep.23th-26th,in 2008
    Add: Shanghai New International Exhibition Center(SNIEC)
    No 2345,LongYang Road,Pudong New Developed Area ,Shanghai,China

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