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    Core concept: let people have the opportunity to officers, the Director Stage one can do nothing, people standing there treatment. Meritocracy, it really must be used.

    First, the principle of ability and integrity
    Selection and use of personnel in accordance with the overall measure, ability and political integrity, insisting that no virtuous is mediocre, talent without virtue is the villain, moral and can be neglected.

    The second is "the effect of" Principles
    Using it, we do not look at academic ability to see, do not look to see the level of diploma, no matter in what capacity, what qualifications, what age, as long as doing good, doing better than other people, outstanding performance, it boldly, entrusted task. Currently, the company's technical staff and middle managers have an average age of about 35 years old, the average age of the workshop director about 30 years old. Although these people are not very old, some education is not very high, but have the ability, motivation, there are results. We adhere to the "effect of" employment mechanism, so that a large number of both ability and integrity of personnel emerged as the pillars of enterprise development.

    Three is the first principle of practice
    "Jade tried to burn three days full, identified only subject to the seven." Over the years, where the types of work when the wind group of professionals, we are the first to arrange the workshop production line, let it exercise to improve in practice, and then through public examinations, merit-based selection.

    Fourth, the principle of survival of the fittest
    In the selection of personnel, we realized the transformation from the "horses horses" "choose horse arena" to, and who did the best we reuse them as a talent; otherwise, can only be eliminated.

    Fifth, "everyone is a talent" principle
    In human use, eliminating modeling and mystification, so that people and should amount only applies. As long as the right positions to play the greatest degree of intelligence, is a sense of talent. We follow this principle, according to the level of each employee, expertise, experience, character, etc., to arrange a suitable relative positions, so that their talent before they do their best to promote the enterprise sustained, rapid and efficient development.

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